PK Scribe Fundraising and Sales Copywriter
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Member, Association of Fundraising Professionals
Member, American Society of Association Executives
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Products and ZAPP Guides
ZAPP Guide

A series of ZAPP GUIDES are in development. Each one will have a very narrow focus. This way I can get into the nitty-gritty of the topic and really help you master the copywriting technique. The guides cover "how-to" write compelling copy, or "how-to" interview someone for great stories (the next guide in the series), and so on. Another reason I keep the topics narrow is because I can then offer the ZAPP GUIDES to you for less than a sawbuck.

Bottom line: You'll gain insight on "what to do" and more importantly, "how-to" do it.

Mobile for Nonprofits

Mobile for Nonprofits

Connecting to Donors through the Power of Mobile

Written exclusively for nonprofits, this is a primer on mobile marketing and mobile giving. Whether you're brand new to mobile, or you've already tested the waters ? you'll find plenty to help you see the value of mobile for your mission. You'll see the MANY ways to use mobile that go far beyond text-to-give; especially its power in donor cultivation.

This primer is written for non-techies who want a solid understanding of what mobile is, what the technology can do, how to use it and integrate it so it leverages everything else you're already doing. It includes a glossary, trends, how-to guidelines, lots of creative examples, resources, etc.

Plus with the premium supplement you will also have questions (and insights to the answers you ought to hear) to ask so you can choose the vendors best suited to meet the needs and goals of your nonprofit; suggested vendors; and creative examples of text messages and more. The primer and its premium supplement combine to give you confidence in the world of mobile.

Read more about what you'll receive in Mobile for Nonprofits - Connecting Donors through the Power of Mobile here.

ZAPP Guide to Thank You Letters

(No longer available)


Thank You Letters

The kindest secret weapon of any great charity

Did you know that within the nonprofit industry, for every 6 donors you gain . . . 5 are lost. That's a very costly statistic.

Your ZAPP GUIDE to Thank You Letters will help you hang on to more of your donors. How? Many donors abandon a nonprofit because they don't feel the organization appreciates them. So if you write thank you letters that tell donors what they want to know, then you're more likely to retain them longer.

These letters are a vital part of your whole donor cultivation strategy. They're as vital to the survival of your program as water is for you, me and all living creatures. Okay; maybe that's a touch strong but not by much.

Thank you letters are just as important as your acquisition control letter or any renewal letter you send.

In this guide you'll read about the 7 fundamental ingredients of every successful thank-you letter. You'll also find ideas on how to add more sincerity to your letter and gusto to your acknowledgement process. Plus you'll see an example of an actual letter. Read more about what you'll receive in your ZAPP GUIDE to Thank You Letters here.

ZAPP Guide to Fundraising Donor Interviews

(No longer available)

Fundraising Donor Interviews

What to Ask and How to Ask It

This ZAPP GUIDE covers all this:

  • Over 2-dozen interview questions for essentially any scenario.

  • 5 reasons why you ought to conduct donor interviews and how they help further your cause.

  • How to put the donor at ease for a great interview.

  • Suggestions on how you can prepare for the interview. As the person asking the questions and leading the interview, your preparation is the secret to a successful interview.

  • At least 14 ways you can leverage interviews; different ways to use this valuable content.

  • Techniques and tips on how to conduct a great donor interview.

  • Guidelines on how to probe for the answer from the heart . . . the real reason . . . the dynamite answer you need. Seldom will their first answer be complete.

  • No two interviews are identical. There's always a need for custom questions - questions that are only asked of one person - so I've included suggestions on how to develop custom questions to augment the generic ones. Plus examples from two different types of charities to further illustrate how to create custom interview questions.

Read more about what you'll receive in your ZAPP GUIDE to Donor Interviews here.


Have a topic you want me to cover in a ZAPP GUIDE? Just send your request to and please be as specific as possible. Thanks!

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Call anytime and we’ll chat about your needs: 800-794-1609
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