Youll find two basic items on this
page: The types of missions and nonprofits Im most passionate about and a list of services that I offer.
As a nonprofit copywriter I write best about subjects I have an interest in — and fortunately, I have a wide variety of interests.
More specifically, for charitable nonprofits this means I like to write for organizations whose mission I either do support or I could support. And for associations this means I?m intrigued by and interested in the market or industry you serve.
Does your nonprofit match these types of missions?
In addition to
the broad areas listed below, you’ll
discover more of my interests and expertise on the ABOUT page:
- Professional membership associations and trade organizations
- Veteran groups (As a Navy vet, helping other vets is important to me)
- Social issues (examples include the elderly; food banks; literacy groups; shelters; helping troubled youth become entrepreneurs or to get into schools, boys or girls clubs, etc.; groups for the sight-impaired; helping the poor)
- Aviation related charities or associations (I'm a private pilot)
- Religious (contact me to discover which faiths)
- Children’s
programs & hospitals
- Other examples of the types of charities I enjoy working with include international relief, public broadcasting, symphonies, higher education, and health/disease research or treatment organizations
And if you need technical or scientific research lingo translated
into words your donors can understand and generously respond to ... then
please give me a call. I’m an engineer turned marketer so that’s right up my alley!
My services include ONLINE and PRINT for all the categories below, and more:
- Acquisition or renewal (house file) campaigns, materials - For print campaigns the package elements might include the letter, lift note, reply device, envelope copy, and so on. Online campaigns typically include an email series, landing page, and perhaps a series of Tweets or Facebook fan page updates.
- Interviews - Drawing out the most impactful and useful information from someone during an interview is a special skill. If you don't have the right experience for conducting your own interviews, or you don't have the time . . . I can do the interviews for you. Information and anecdotes collected during an interview is priceless. Results in dynamo donor profiles, compelling fundraising stories from your staff in the field or from the beneficiaries of your mission, and on it goes. Successful interviews lead to donor-centric copy that generates higher response.
- Web Video - I write online video scripts. And, I have a strategic partner who can create web video using client-supplied digital photos or video clips.
- Web Copy and Email - Includes search engine optimized (SEO) copy for web pages, pay-per-click ad copy and integrating all elements of the PPC campaign (I work with a Google certified strategic partner), keyword research, emails, autoresponder series, landing pages, and just about anything you need online.
- Website critique / usability analysis - Perhaps you want an objective outsider to evaluate your website (starting with the home page), and suggest at least 5 things you can do to improve usability and conversions. I have different service packages you can choose from. This is an especially economical approach for many small nonprofits to boost online fundraising.
- Case studies (success stories) - All too often stories from the field are milquetoast at best. I can interview your most satisfied beneficiaries and turn their praises into a powerful story - a success story - that clearly illustrates to donors the marvelous work you do. These can also serve as donor cultivation tools through email. And associations can use case studies to illustrate the impact membership has had on someone?s career. Case studies have a wide variety of uses.
- Copy critiques - A very economical service is to have me review and evaluate your copy on emails, any page(s) of your website (plus I work with a strategic partner certified by Marketing Experiments for landing pages), direct mail letters, or whatever you've already written and suggest ways to make it even stronger. You can choose from various critique service packages where all I do is critique; or I can critique AND rewrite portions of your copy. (See also "Website Critiques" described above.)
- Press Releases (sample web press release for professional association) - Sad to say that far too many online press releases are boring. I help increase your publicity exposure with a simple yet captivating technique that eliminates "boring." And they can be optimized for keyword phrases.
- Special reports, white papers, tip or guide sheets - Although popular, do you know why white papers often "miss the mark?" I do. And I'll make certain what I craft for you Hits the mark. Professional associations are perhaps more likely to utilize these tools than other nonprofits.
Don’t see what you need listed? Please ask. You never know what’s
really possible until you ask.