Power of a well-told story

in Copywriting - Nonprofit,Fundraising,Storytelling

We’re all naturally curious.  It’s a human trait.  So when you start to tell a story you trigger that curiosity.  You impact the reader at a subconscious level.

This is one of the reasons a well-told story is so powerful.  We want to know how it turns out.  You have captured our attention with ease.

Capturing the attention of your readers is the first goal of any copy you write for your charity or association.

Another reason stories are so powerful is that the reader knows what to do.  They understand the concept of stories and know how to react when they hear one.  Therefore, you can take the reader in any direction you like as you finish the story.  You frame their mindset for all that follows.

And when you have the reader in the right mindset you’ll see higher response to your direct mail letter, email, page of web copy, newsletter, etc.

Those are two BIG reasons why a well-told story is so powerful: 1) easily capture the reader’s attention and trigger their curiosity and desire to know more; and 2) put the reader in the right mindset so they’re more likely to respond to your call to action.

Can you see why it’s so important for your nonprofit to master the art of storytelling?

Here are two other blog posts I wrote on nonprofit storytelling.  I encourage you to read them:

Technique to help you “make nonprofit stories come alive

How science helps you write better fundraising stories

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Tweets that mention Why nonprofit storytelling triggers readers to respond — Karen Zapp - Nonprofit Copywriter -- Topsy.com
June 24, 2010 at 5:22 pm

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