How can your nonprofit follow the trend and raise more donations?

in Copywriting - Nonprofit,Fundraising

UPDATE July 1, 2011: I guess few people (if any) value “free” these days. Below I offered to rewrite a direct mail lead or email lead for the first 3 charities who responded. No takers. Offer expired yesterday. [KZ]

Based on the Giving USA Foundation report, Americans gave a tad more in 2010; specifically 2.1% more.

The chart below (from The Atlantic, “Chart of the Day: Charity Rebounds Slightly in 2010” by Daniel Indiviglio)  shows historical giving trends since 1970.

Historical graph from Giving USA

Granted, 2.1% isn’t much but it is an increase. This also means some charities enjoyed a greater increase, and others may still be in decline.

But regardless of how your nonprofit has fared in the past few years, look ahead.

How can you increase the amount of funds you raise
in 2011, in 2012, and beyond? 

Start with your next campaign.  Promote it across multiple channels using donor-centric copy tailored for each channel.

But BEFORE you start writing, ask yourself these three questions:

1 – Who are you writing to?
2 – What are they most interested in?
3 – What do you want them to do; what is the purpose or objective of your appeal?

Don’t skip this step because it’s what yields a clear and compelling message relevant to your readers.  A message THEY value.  And it’s also what leads you to donor-centric copy.

Free help on writing more donor-centric copy

And in honor of the first day of summer (today, June 21), I’ll re-write the lead for the first three charities who contact me into more donor-centric copy.   Send me a direct mail letter or email electronically and I’ll convert the first few paragraphs for you – no strings attached. 

TO QUALIFY: You must be employed by a charity to submit an appeal.  And you must include your business email address tied to your charities URL. For example: and not  Finally, realize that the copy you submit may be used as an example in this blog. [Offer expires 6-30-11]

Just add a comment below and then we’ll connect via email.  Or visit my PK Scribe contact web page and use the email address there to send me an electronic version of your appeal.

Summer is here. It’s the ideal time to hone your skills before the prime fundraising season arrives on the heals of summer – fall and the holidays.  Again, if you’re one of the first 3 charities to send me an electronic version of your direct mail letter or email appeal, then I’ll write a new lead for you that’s more donor-centric.

Donor-centric copy is the path to how your nonprofit can receive more donations. 

More help on writing donor-centric copy:

One Size Hurts All

Hurricanes, Mysteries and Fundraising

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