What is the biggest obstacle . . . the biggest question . . . or simply the primary reason why your nonprofit is not using mobile today? What’s keeping you from moving forward?
I’d like to know. Please answer by adding a comment below. Relax. I won’t pressure you with endless sales messages based on your comment.
I just don’t want to guess at what is keeping so many nonprofits from moving forward.
When I have some idea what your questions, hurdles, and concerns are then I can share more posts and possibly even free webinars to get the answers to you.
Mobile is for MORE than fundraising
And remember, as you write your questions in the comment box below recall that mobile is also a powerful cultivation tool, acquisition channel, and more.
It’s also a very, very popular portal for a growing number of smartphone users to your Facebook page, Tweets, your YouTube channel, and other social media sites.
Again, what is it that you want to know about mobile?
What don’t you understand?
Why isn’t your nonprofit using it?
What are the one or two things you need to conquer in order to include mobile in your integrated marketing program?
Please use the comment box below to send me your answers. And if you prefer to keep your answers confidential then let me know and I won’t publish your comment. Or you can send me an email.