A Field of Wild Flowers

I was out hiking this past weekend in the rolling mountains of western Maryland.  One of the highlights was gazing at the hillsides bursting with white, purple, yellow, and lavender wild flowers.  A gorgeous sea of color. What do wild flowers have to do with nonprofit marketing? Springtime flowers and all the “newness” of spring […]

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Nonprofit Storytelling – Chapter 1

Great fundraising isn’t a data dump.  It isn’t 10,253 of this and 128,000 of that.  Or 589 of these and 1.3 million of those. It IS telling your story. When do you tell your story?  It can be done any time and in many ways. > Tell a story to attract the best board members […]

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Holy Acquisition Batman!

Are your low response appeals “Robin” you of new donors or members? Do you need to be a superhero in order to acquire new members for your association, or new donors for your charity? Shine the Light on Your Readers   No, I don’t think you do need to be a superhero. Just do a […]

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Another Reason to Integrate

Why integrate your marketing and fundraising?  What is this “other” reason?  It’s wise to integrate because if one channel collapses – even temporarily – you’ve got backup.  You’re still reaching some of your donors and members. For example: Last week HootSuite was down for a day.  Granted you could still access Twitter directly or use […]

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What is holding you back?

What is the biggest obstacle . . . the biggest question . . . or simply the primary reason why your nonprofit is not using mobile today? What’s keeping you from moving forward? I’d like to know. Please answer by adding a comment below.  Relax.  I won’t pressure you with endless sales messages based on […]

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One Size Hurts All

Donors are influenced by their experiences as consumers. And as consumers they have evolved and continue to raise the bar.  For example: They are less responsive to direct mail that has NO personalization.  The exact same letter sent to 76,000 or to 1.8 million people doesn’t work at all like it used to.  Today people […]

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Acronym Mystery Love Affair – is your organization guilty of this?

A friend of mine received a flyer in the mail last week from an organization called, RTCA. This mailer was promoting their RTCA 2011 Annual Symposium and inviting him to attend.  Trouble is, he has no idea who the organization is.  He’s not a member.  He’s never heard of them. The mystery plot thickens. No where on […]

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Quickest way to KILL response

You and I know there are many factors that influence how your prospects and supporters respond to a direct mail letter, an email, a landing page, a press release … or anything else. But there’s one thing I guarantee will mess up response: Anything written by committee. For example: Your Board of Directors demands to […]

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How “aspiration” benefits your nonprofit

I read a post on the Duct Tape Marketing blog by John Jantsch yesterday that immediately got me thinking about charities and associations. Granted, Jantsch is talking about marketing a product or service for a for-profit small business.  But there were good ideas to grab nonetheless. For example: As you write a fundraising letter, email, […]

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Yes or No? Video in email?

Should you include a video (embedded or link to watch on a landing page), within an email message or not?  It depends. Video is engaging.  Video can illustrate and demonstrate like no other media can.  However, whether it’s your monthly newsletter or a weekly message sent via email, your readers are inundated.  One study showed […]

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